Flag Counter


Nicola Maldacea

(29 oct 1870 -
05 mar 1945)

An Italian film and theatre actor, comedian.

Texts of the Neapolitan songs

Passa 'a bandiera

Museca: E.A. Mario,

Vierze: Rocco Lo Martire.

Anno: 1928

The flag is passing by

Music: E.A. Mario,

Lyrics: Rocco Lo Martire.

Year: 1928

Passa 'a fanfara e sona 'a marcia riale;
Passano 'e bersagliere e 'o Triculore.
Vedenno 'e tre culure nazionale
Ognuno sente 'a Patria dint'ô core.

Tutt' 'e guagliune corrono,
Sbattono forte 'e mmane.
E saje chi sò?
Sò 'e suldate 'e dimane!

Passa 'a bandiera,
Sventola e va,
Cuntenta e allera
'O viento 'a fa.
E saje pecché
S'ha misa 'a nocca blummarè?
Passa 'a bandiera
E passa 'a Patria
E 'o rre.

Guarda, sò tre culure e sò stracciate;
Gente e cadè e murì hanno viste assaje.
Ma chille ca 'a bandiera ha cummigliato,
Sò muorte ca nun murarranno maje.

Tant'uommene salutano
Cu 'a mano 'e bersagliere.
E saje chi sò?
Sò 'e suldate d'ajere!

Passa 'a bandiera,
Sventola e va,
Cuntenta e allera
'O viento 'a fa.
E saje pecché
S'ha misa 'a nocca blummarè?
Passa 'a bandiera
E passa 'a Patria
E 'o rre.

'N'ommo resta cu 'a capa cummigliata,
Corre 'nu giuvinotto risuluto:
"E tu 'a bandiera nun ll'hê salutata?
Che? Nun 'a cride degna 'e 'nu saluto?"

Ma chillo scappa a chiagnere,
Po' dice a 'sta minaccia:
" 'O bbi' chi sò?
Ll'aggio dato 'e ddoje braccia".

Passa 'a bandiera,
Sventola e va,
Cuntenta e allera
'O viento 'a fa.
E pure a mme
Mme sbatte 'o core e saje pecché?
Passa 'a bandiera
E passa 'a Patria
E 'o rre.

translated by Natalia Chernega

The trumpet plays royal march;
The riflemen pass by with the tricolour.
Seeing the three national colours,
Everybody feels pride in motherland deep in heart.

All young guys walk fast,
Clapping their hands.
Do you know who are they?
They are the soldiers of tomorrow!

The flag is passing by,
Fluttering and going ahead,
With joy and fun
The wind shakes it.
And do you know
Why the blue ribbon is put on?
The flag is passing by
And the motherland is passing by
And the king*.

Look, the three colours are torn;
They have seen many deaths.
And the soldiers, covered by the flag,
Are dead but they will never be forgotten.

So many people
Salute the riflemen.
Do you know who are they?
They are the soldiers of yesterday!

The flag is passing by,
Fluttering and going ahead,
With joy and fun
The wind shakes it.
And do you know
Why the blue ribbon is put on?
The flag is passing by
And the motherland is passing by
And the king.

One man stands, head down,
An young guy walks firmly up to him:
"Don't you salute the flag?
Why? Do you think it's unworthy of it?"

He goes aside and cries,
Then answers this reproach:
"Do you see who am I?
I lost my two arms for it".

The flag is passing by,
Fluttering and going ahead,
With joy and fun
The wind shakes it.
Even my heart
Is pounding and do you know why?
The flag is passing by
And the motherland is passing by
And the king.

translated by Natalia Chernega

* till june 1946 Italy was the monarchy.